● 在长段、复杂甚至语句不连贯的谈话中,即便听到语速快如母语为英语之间的交流语速时,也能理解说话人的要点、论点、推断以及因谈论不同话题而使用不同的词语
● 能够本能地、流利地、准确地表达差异细微的不同思想
● 能把握对话的内容,轻松自如地开展谈话
● 如同说母语那样,能自如运用各种句子结构,词汇及语言功能
● 进行国际交往时,在词、句子、语篇层面上无沟通困难 |
考生应准备一份所选话题的简单的提纲在讲述前交与考官。考生不得将写好的文章带入考场。 |
考生若无自选话题,也就无法开展话题讨论。若无前两项成绩考生本次考试将不予*。 |
情景短文题例:“When I was a child, we were really poor and I thought about what it would be like to be rich .I still think about this which is why I do the National Lottery every week.” |
*项 考例 (11 级)
When she was little, Sophie had the most extraordinary eating habits. For a whole year, she refused to eat anything but pizza, followed by a banana. Her mother got so fed up with trying to tempt her to vary her diet that in the end she just gave up and served her the same meal every day. Then one day, while her mother was cooking dinner, Sophie suddenly asked for…
Expected response: …any meal OTHER than pizza and banana.
第二项 考例 (12 级)
It’s so boring, my job. All you do is sit and watch several screens in front of you. You can’t read a newspaper, you can’t go and make a cup of coffee but you daren’t fall asleep. Nothing happens for hours and hours. Just rows and rows of cars from different angles. The greatest activity is first thing in the morning and when they leave at night. There was great excitement last week. I’d been watching the screens for three hours when I really thought I’d caught a thief but it just turned out to be Mr. Brown from Finance.
Question: What is the man’s job and who does he work for?
Possible answer: He’s a security officer for a large company. |
考官从考生所选级别的对话话题中任选两个话题,与考生进行比较深入的讨论。参加12级考生应准备与考官讨论由考官任选的两个话题。 |