

  韦博商务英语系列 *对大量真实商务案例和语言教学法的研究,其内容旁征博引,涵盖金融,贸易,以及企业管理等各方面的实用话题,也包括全球经济一体化,网络经济,创新等热点讨论。有别于传统的商务英语教学,该商务英语培训课程每一课都由相关名言引入,形式新颖;并融入大量的案例分析和角色扮演,互动活泼,目的在于提高Intermediate及以上级别学员在商务英语方面的实际运用能力。
  Through a considerable amount of research on business cases and teaching methodologies,
  Web Business English Serious Course is now pleted! It aims to improve listening and
  speaking of learners at or above L level in Business English.
  Business and Functional Writing 商务应用写作
  Business and Functional Writing 商务应用写作课程分为写作基础,初级、中级商务写作,应用文体练习,高级商务写作4大部分。涉及文体包括:备忘录、便条、电子邮件、通知、会议记录、商务报告、商业信函、合同等等。教师授课结合背景知识、商务经典篇章、实用句型、词汇和相关的练习。*课堂和课后练习,锻炼学员的实际写作能力,提升职业技能,增加职业竞争力。
  As everyone seems to have to write in English, Web is going to have a new Writing Course.
  This course covers all basic writing information, business writing skills and other
  Practical writing skills with a lot of samples. Students will be introduced and instructed
  by the teachers and improve writing skills within a short time.
培训世界 常熟韦博英语体验课 免费预约