Q1: Should you read the whole passage before looking at the questions?(需要看完整篇文章再看题目吗?)
A:My answer to question 1 is no. You don't have time to read the whole passage unless your English is almost 'native speaker' level.(回答是no.你没有时间读完全文的,除非你母语是英语或相当水平)
My advice is to do the questions one by one. Instead of skimming or scanning, read the passage carefully. The answers to most question sections will be in order in the passage, so you will gradually read the whole passage as you find the answers.(我的建议是一道接一道地做题,仔细阅读文章,大多数问题的答案都会按顺序出现,当你找答案的时候你就逐渐读完全文了)
Q2: 关于Paragraph的问题有两种类型,分别是:
Paragraph headings - match the sub-headings with the paragraphs.
Specific information - which paragraph contains the following information?
· For 'paragraph headings' questions, you need to find the main idea of each paragraph. I usually recommend starting with the shortest paragraph first.(对于Paragraph Headings题目,你需要找出每段的中心思想。我通常建议学生从*短的段落找起)
· For 'specific information' questions, remember that one paragraph can contain more than one piece of information (e.g. "paragraph A" could be the answer for questions 1 and 2). Some paragraphs may not contain any information, so it doesn't help to start with the shortest one.(对于Specific information题目,记住,一个段落能包含多道题目的信息,如A段可以同时是*题和第二题的答案。有些段落不会包含任何信息,所以从*短的开始找起对这种题目不适用)
Both types of question are easier if you do the other question sections first (gap-fill, true/false/not given etc.). You will then be more familiar with the text, and you might even remember where some of the 'paragraph' answers are.(先做其它类型的题目,这两种题目就会变得更简单。因为这时你对文章更加熟悉,你可能甚至记得paragraph headings题的答案)
A good technique for the IELTS reading test is to do easy questions first. If you get stuck on difficult questions, miss them. Do the easy questions, then return to the tricky questions later.(一个雅思阅读技巧就是,要先做简单的题目,不要卡在难题上)
Q3:What's the easiest type of question?(*简单的题目是什么?)
The easiest type of question is probably any question that contains a name, number or date. For these questions, it should be easy to scan the text to find where the answer is.(*简单的题型是那些包含名字、数字或日期的,因为很容易*其定位到答案)
If you find it difficult to get started in the exam, look for a question with a name, number or date, and start there. An easy question will help you to start confidently.(如果你觉得前面的题目很难,先做含有名字、数字或日期的题目,简单问题会让你更有自信)
Q4:"Which paragraph contains the following information?" 这种类型的题目有何技巧?
A:Here are some tips for "which paragraph contains?" questions:
· Instead of looking for the main idea of each paragraph, you need to find one piece of information.(你要找的是一条信息,而不是整个段落的中心思想)
· Some paragraphs might not contain any answers.(有些段落可能不含任何答案)
· The same paragraph might contain more than one answer.(同一段可以是多道题的答案)
· It's not usually difficult to understand the question or answer, but it is difficult to find the answer.(通常问题和答案都不难理解,但是很难找)
· Do these questions last. By doing other questions first, you will become familiar with the passage, and you might remember where some of the answers are.(*后做这类题。先做其它题目,你会对文章更加熟悉,你可能会记住答案在哪儿)
· Look for the easiest information first: questions that contain names, numbers or big/unusual words might be easier to find.(先看*简单的信息,就是那些包含名字数字或大写不常见的词汇,这些比容易找到)
A:Here are their top 6 tips:
l “Keyword”technique: search for words in the passage that have the same meaning as words in the question(关键词技巧:在文章中搜索和问题中相同意思的词语)
l Always underline keywords in the questions and passage-this helps you to search(一定要划出问题和文章中的关键词,这样会有助于你找到答案)
l Go straight to the first question. Don’t read the whole passage or all of the questions first(直接看*个问题,不要先看整个文章或所有问题)
l Most questions are in order in the passage(大多数问题都会在文章中按顺序出现)
l Time is a big problem in IELTS reading-move on quickly if you find one question difficult:miss it, and return to it later(雅思阅读考试中时间是*的问题-如果题目太难就先放弃,答完其它题目再回头做较难的题)
l Some questions are easier to search for, usually those that contain numbers, names or distinctive words(那些包含名字、数字或形式特殊的单词的问题答案很好找到)
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