

博学国际教育课程中心>AIX6 管理培训 (AN12CN)
  Learn to install, customize, and administer the AIX operating system ina multiuser POWER System p) partitioned environment. This course is based on AIX 6.1 running ona Power6 system managed by HMC version 7. This course is also appropriate for prior releases of AIX and has a high practical content.
  You should be able to:
  ·Log in to an AIX system and set a user password
  ·Execute basic AIX commands
  ·Manage files and directories
  ·Use the vi editor
  ·Use redirection, pipes, and tees
  ·Use the utilities find and grep
  ·Use the command and variable substitution
  ·Set and change Kor n shel l var i abl es
  ·Write simple shell scripts
  ·Use a graphic Common Desktop Environment (CDE) interface
  ·Install the AIX operating system,filesets and RPM packages
  ·Performsy stemstart up and shutdown
  ·Understand and use system management tools, focusing on SMIT and IBM systems director console for AIX
  ·Manage physical and logical devices
  ·Understand the logical volume manager
  ·Perform logical volume and file system management
  ·Create and manage user and group accounts
  ·Perform and restore system backups
  ·Utilize administrative subsystems,i ncl udi n g c r o n t o sche dule system tasks, and security to
  implement customized access of files and directories
  ·Configure TCP/IP networking Understand and Implementation Workload Partitions
  ·Unit1 - Introductionto IBM POWER psystems, AIX an d System Administration
  ·Unit2 - AIX System Management Tools
  ·Unit3 - System start up and shutdown
  ·Unit4 - AIX installation
  ·Unit5 - AIX Software installation and maintenance
  ·Unit6 - System configuration and devices
  ·Unit7 - Syst em storage overview
  ·Unit8 - Working with the Logical Volume Manager
  ·Unit9 - Managing file systems
  ·Unit10 - Paging space
  ·Unit11 - Backup and restore
  ·Unit12 - Security and user administration
  ·Unit13 - Scheduling
  ·Unit14 - TCP/I P Net wor ki ng Over vi ew
  ·Unit15 - Workload Partitions
  ·Open Lab Time
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