实用汉语初级业余班 外国朋友业余学中文*选择
Practical Chinese (Mandarin) for Foreign Beginners (Part-time Classes)
Teaching Mandarin(Standard Chinese in English,Japanese,French,or,Arabic.
Evening Class (6 to 10 students):7:00-9:20pm, Mon/Wednes/Fri or Tues/Thurs/Sun,14 weeks
Weekend Class (6 to 10 students):Saturday 9:00-12:00am,and 1:30-4:20pm,16 weeks
可免费多期复读。You can repeat the course free of charge when the term ends.
Level 1 or Level 2 Course:
Tuition (学费):3000RMB yuan,including textbooks with available tapes or Cds