※附:《美国国务院关于公立*交换生项目的法案》 ●This section governs Department of State designated exchange visitor programs under which foreign national secondary school students are afforded the opportunity for up to one year of study in a United States accredited public or private secondary school, while living with an American host family or residing at an accredited U.S. boarding school. **交换项目,外国*生进入美国的公立或私立*做为期一年的学术访问。在他们的逗留期间,参加者与美国接待家庭一起居住。在经审核的美国学校就读。学生作为全日制学生需学满1学年。
●Exchange students may participate in school sanctioned and sponsored extra-curricular activities, including athletics, 交换生可以参与特定的社会活动。交换生可以参与学校认可的课外社会活动,包括各种比赛。
● Student employment. Exchange students may not be employed on either a full or part-time basis but may accept sporadic or intermittent employment such as babysitting or yard work交换生原则上不允许工作,一些简单的家务劳动除外。(以上文字摘自美国国务院-U.S. Department of State网站)