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  一、 表示转折和对比
  在剑桥中表示转折和对比的信号词是*重要的一类,因为只要此类词一出现,80%的时候答案就紧随其后了。这类词大致有:however、but、unfortunately、yet、while、whereas、on the other hand、on the contrary、in fact、actually等等。比如:Cambridge8 test2 section2的18题:What is the main purpose of having the Rare Breeds Section? 听力原文中说到:…we mustn’t lose sight of the main purpose of having this section, not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural development. 在实际的听力中,这一段话很快,很多学生*遍根本没有听到否定的not,但是请大家注意的是后面还有一个but,所以听到转折后,前面所说的信息就可以忽略掉了。再如:Cambridge8 test1 section2的19-20题:Which two activities can students do after the tour at present? 原文:We used to have an activity room with more interactive things like making models of dinosaurs and drawing and painting pictures, even hunting for dinosaur eggs, but unfortunately the room was damaged in a bad storm… 同样有的学生可能会漏听到原文中的used to,但是后面有明显的转折,所以前面提到的项可以全部排除了。
  二、 表强调和突出
  有时候学生做题的时候发现,明明关键词已经出来了,但是答案还是选错了。那么这类题中有另外一些表示特别强调和突出的信号词,如:particularly、in particular、especially、more importantly、even、that is to say、to put it another word、surprisingly、much to my surprise等等。这类词出现后,100%后面都是答案。比如:Cambridge8 test4 section2的11题:Community groups are mainly concerned about: A. pedestrian safety B. traffic jams C. increased pollution. 原文:People we’ve heard from are mainly worried about traffic in the area, and in particular, the increasing speed of cars near schools… 原文*生很明显地听到了mainly,所以就迫不及待的选了C,但是后面还有强调,这个才是*关键的。再如Cambridge7 test4 section4的31题:The speaker says the main topic of the lecture is? 原文:Today I am going to explore why it is so popular in these cuisines and, more importantly, how does it enhance the flavor of good? 这类词在剑桥中出现的频率没有*类高,但是一旦出现就是答案,所以请大家要牢记这类词。
  三、 表示承接和顺承
  这类信号词其实后面大多是没有跟答案出现的,但是这类词是帮助同学们跟上节奏的关键。也就是说不至于一直死死守着一道题,而其实都已经是end of section4了。这类词一般出现在section4,有:firstly、secondly、finally、next、moving on to…、and then、the next point…、for another thing等等。比如:Cambridge7 test3 section4的38和39题原文:Firstly, hotels exploit people’s need to… Secondly, there is something very powerful… 另外Cambridge5 test2 section4的38和39题原文:A second important area is monitoring the size… Thirdly, bubbles in the ice-sheet… 在section 4中,此类表示承接的信号词屡见不鲜,虽然它后面一般不直接接答案,但是它能告知学生整个听力的进度,而且答案就在附近,所以请同学们不要忽视。
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