Kings Colleges, UK, have worked extensively with Edumentor and we can fully endorse the professionalism and thoroughness with which they go about their student counselling and placement activity. We are continually impressed by the high quality of the students recruited and their preparedness for their study plans in the UK. This means that students are not only satisfied with their pathway choices but also that their expectations are fully matched when they start their study environment at Kings Colleges, leading to excellent onward progression with their choice of a UK university.
Kings Colleges 与一盟教育一直都合作得非常地愉快。我们可以充分地感受到一盟教育在咨询和推荐学生升学方面非常的专业和体贴。Kings Colleges对一盟教育所推荐的学生的质素和为学生所设计的学习计划非常印象深刻。这表示学生不仅仅对他们的课程选择感到满意,并且从在Kings Colleges里面开始学习的*日起,就开始向美好的将来迈进,他们的期待也逐步实现,这令他们在步向英国大学的路上不断前进,表现优异。
Andrew Hutchinson
Kings Colleges