Over 30 years of experience, Columbia International College of Canada has worked with more than 100 agencies and we found Edumentor is an active and spirited partner that we have worked with. For more than a year of partnership, Edumentor has delivered great service and professionalism to our company. We are looking forward to having more quality and extensive collaborate opportunities with Edumentor in the coming future.
加拿大哥伦比亚国际学院在过去30年办学过程中,曾与超过100多家留学中介合作,哥伦比 亚国际学院发现一盟教育是一个积极的、值得合作的的留学服务中心。在过去一年与一盟教育中,一盟教育为哥伦比亚国际学院输送许多优秀的学生,并为他们提供 贴心的服务和支持,表现出其专业的一面。哥伦比亚国际学院期待在未来能够和一盟教育有更多和更广泛的合作机会。
Winnie Kan
Admission Director
Columbia International College of Canada