

Edumentor have been Bradford College appointed agents for approximately 12 months and in that time we have found them to be a reputable agency with excellent support for their students in finding the best course for them. All the staff are courteous, efficient and friendly and work for the students best interest at all times. We are proud to have Edumentor working with Bradford College.
一盟教育作为Bradford College指定的留学招生中心已经1年多了。在我们的合作过程中,Bradford认为一盟教育是一间具备诚信的机构,会尽自己*的能力帮助学生寻 找*适合的学校。一盟教育所有的员工都非常礼貌待人、对人友好和工作具备很高效率、并且为学生尽自己*的努力帮助学生实现留学梦。Bradford对与 一盟教育合作感到非常的自豪。

Emma Austin
Marketing Manager
Bradford College
培训世界 一盟教育体验课 免费预约