

MLS International College, Bournemouth, UK has been working in partnership and collaboration with Edumentor in Hong Kong since April 2009.  MLS Edumentor Hong Kong discussed the principles and working arrangements for the provision of courses and services by MLS for Chinese students requiring academic training and university preparation courses prior to university admission in the UK.  To date this arrangement has worked very well and the two organisations enjoy an excellent working relationship. 
Chinese students have been enrolled by Edumentor at MLS from September 2009 and are already making significant progress in their studies and enjoying the benefits of the comprehensive university counselling service offered by MLS.
MLS looks forward to a continuation of this partnership and regards Edumentor one of its most important agency representatives in the Far East.

MLS 与一盟教育在2009年正式成为合作伙伴。双方代表曾讨论MLS能为*学生提供的学术培训和大学准备课程,使学生能够顺利进入英国大学就读。一直以来, 我们就这一目标合作得非常顺利。一盟教育输送到MLS的2009年9月入学的学生们现在都在MLS取得了很大的进步并且享受到MLS提供的综合大学入学咨 询服务。MLS 期待在以后能够与一盟教育更紧密的合作,为学生提供*贴心的留学服务和*专业的教育。

Richard Denman
MLS International College

培训世界 一盟教育体验课 免费预约