

We enjoy a close partnership with Edumentor Hong Kong and have been pleased with the professional service that they offer our students. They take the time to ensure that each student receives quality information and an accurate assessment, we thank Alan and his team for their efforts and look forward to a longstanding partnership together.

University of Wollongong非常荣幸与一盟教育之间的紧密合作,并且对於他们为University of Wollongong学生所提供的优质服务感到非常的满意。一盟教育的升学顾问愿意花时间为学生解答,使每一个学生能够得到准确的资讯和评价。 University of Wollongong 感谢一盟教育和他的专业团队所作出的努力,并且期待一盟教育之间有更长久的合作关系。 
Janet Holen
Marketing Manager
University of Wollongong, Wollongong College Australia.
培训世界 一盟教育体验课 免费预约