Study Group is one of the leading education providers and offer programs across Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the US including Taylors College (Australia and New Zealand), Bellerbys College (UK), International Study Centres (UK) and many more other programs.? Study Group has a long standing business relationship with Edumentor head office which started 10 years ago.? Edumentor continue to perform consistently well and professionally in the overseas education sector.? Edumentor has become one of our key partners and their well trained education consultants provide students comprehensive support and services.
Study Group 作为*在教育提供方,在美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰等国家设立了泰勒学院(澳洲、新西兰)、贝勒比斯学院(英国)、ISC(英国)等学校。Study Group与一盟教育总部已有很长时间的合作关係。一盟教育始终如一地致力於為海外留学学子提供专业的留学服务。一盟教育成為Study Group的重要合作伙伴,他们专业的升学顾问为我们学生提供全面的支援和服务。
Elaine Cheung (Ms.)
Acting Regional Director
Study Group