Paragraph 4: Regularly flowing rivers andstreams that originate within arid lands are known as "endogenous."These are generally fed by groundwater springs, and many issue from limestonemassifs, such as the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Basaltic rocks also supportsprings, notably at the Jabal Al-Arab on the Jordan-Syria border. ■Endogenous rivers often do not reach the sea but draininto inland basins, where the water evaporates or is lost in the ground. ■Most desert streambeds are normally dry, but they occasionallyreceive large flows of water and sediment.■
Paragraph 5: Deserts contain large amounts ofgroundwater when compared to the amounts they hold in surface stores such aslakes and rivers. ■But only a small fraction of groundwaterenters the hydrological cycle—feeding the flows of streams, maintaining lakelevels, and being recharged (or refilled) through surface flows and rainwater. (TPO16 Water in the Desert)
12. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentencecould be added to the passage.
Thesesudden floods provide important water supplies but can also be highlydestructive.