












假如标题中呈现了“statistical,statistics, cost, fund, large number, percent, percentage”等的时分,文章中相对应的语句会呈现相对应的与数据相关的词。下面看几个比如:



剑5 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q1 多项挑选选项C. It was famous because of the large number ofpeople involved. 标题中呈现了数据词“large number”, 依据这个词在文章中找与标题意思有关的语句,并且其中有也许包含数据。在文章中第5段找到这么一句话:“He was also helped by six assistants, two ofwhom died whilst the Dictionary was still in preparation.”依据两句话的意思,“6个帮手”不算一个比较大(large number)的数据,所以这个选项是不对的。



剑5 TEST 1 Passage 2 Q17 “the expected statisticaloutcome”, 是一个“阶段细节”题,让考生找这句话在文章中哪一段呈现。标题有一个十分显着的数据词“statistical”, 依据猜想,文章中相对应的语句也许会呈现数据。文章中D段:“Prior to carrying out the experiment, Milgramexplained his idea to a group of 39 psychiatrists and asked them to predict theaverage percentage of people in an ordinary population who would be willing toadminister the highest shock level of 450 volts. ...... The psychiatrists feltthat 'most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts' and they further anticipatedthat only four per cent would go up to 300 volts. Furthermore, theythought that only a lunatic fringe of about one in 1,000 would give thehighest shock of 450 volts.”。文章中的数据“only four per cent”和“one in 1,000”对应了标题中的“statistical”, 一起,文章中的“predict the average percentage of people”与标题中的“expected statistical outcome”相对应,所以这道题对应的语句应当是这段话。



剑7 TEST 2 Passage 2 Q14 “a cost involved inpurifying domestic water”, 这道题同样是一道“阶段细节”题,让考生找出这句话在文章中哪一段呈现。标题中的数据词是“cost”, 文章中应当会呈现一些与“钱和数据”有关的词,在文章中能够十分显着地看到E段有许多数据:“The costs included: £120m for removal ofpesticides; £16m for removal of nitrates; £55m for removal ofphosphates and soil; £23m for the removal of the bug cryptosporidiumfrom drinking water by water companies.”而判别的时分发现文章中的“drinking water(饮用水)”与标题中的“domestic water(家庭用水)”相对应,所以此题对应的即是文章的E段。




假如标题中呈现了与“开端(previous, original, originally, initial,initially, beginning, before, at first...)”、“*终(at last, later, end, finally, ultimately,eventually...)”和“现在(now, these days, current, currently, our time, with us...)”有关的词,由于标题和文章内容的一致性,所以文章中也会呈现相对应的词。



剑5 TEST 2 Passage 3 Q28 “In Europe, modem scienceemerged at the same time as the nation state. At first, the scientificlanguage of choice remained __________.”标题中有一个时刻词“at first(开端)”,到文章中找与前面相关的时刻词,在文章第5段有这么一句话:“There were several reasons why originalscience continued to be written in Latin.” 明晰地呈现了时刻词“original”, 依据这句话意思,标题应当填“Latin”。



剑9 TEST 3 Passage 3 Q32 “a reference to whatShannon initially intended to achieve in his research”, 是一道“阶段细节”题,是全部雅思考题中*难的标题。依据定位词“Shannon”和时刻词“initially”, 在文章C段榜首句(This all seems light years away from thedown-to-earth uses Shannon originally had for his work, which began when he wasa 22-year-old graduate engineering student at the prestigious MassachusettsInstitute of Technology in 1939.)里看到了定位词“Shannon”和时刻词“originally”, 再仔细读语句的意思,两句话的意思对应得很严密。所以此题应当挑选C段。



剑9 TEST 1 Passage 1 Q10 “What was the name finallyused to refer to the first colour Perkin invented?”, 标题中的时刻词是“finally”, 而文章第8段中相对应语句是“Perkin originally named his dye Tyrian Purple,but it later became commonly known as mauve (from the French for theplant used to make the colour violet)”,标题中“finally”的时刻对应词是“later”。



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