1. 每周规定一个只说英语(论坛)的晚上,听英文歌曲,看英文电影,连炒菜都用英文菜谱!
Choose a night every night, on which you can only use English, including listening to English songs only, watching English movies only, and even the menu in English.
2. 用英语写一封情书。如果你暗恋的对象不懂英语那就更完美啦!
Write a love letter in English, and this would be more perfect when the one you love is not that good at English.
Write a doggerel in English, and the following is a simple example.
If you care for me - I care for you (如果你关心我 - 我就关心你)
You miss me - I miss you (你想念我 - 我就想念你)
You like me - I like you. (你喜欢我 - 我就喜欢你)
You message me - I message you. (你给我发短信 - 我也给你发短信)
You forget me - I'm sorry that where I'm different from you. I'll kill you.
(你忘记我 - 不好意思这点我与你不同,我要杀了你!)
Copy out an English joke.
Learn English songs.
Edit an autobiography of a handsome man or a pretty woman as you like.
Speak English when playig cards and pretend not to know any Chinese.
Speak to yourself in English when doing housework.
Walk around your house, and try to say everything in English.