关于调整托福网考和相关服务的收费标准的通知 根据托福主办方ETS的通知,自2016年5月1日起,调整托福网考和相关服务的收费标准。详见托福首页《报名须知》中的《报名流程》。此前已在个人账户中预存考试费但未成功报名的考生,须按调整后的收费标准补足差额后方可报名;已缴纳考试费并成功报名的考生将不受此次考试费调整影响。 Upon ETS notification, TOEFL ibt and other service fees will be adjusted on May 1, 2016. Please refer to Registration Process in the Information tab for details. The new fees will apply only to those trying to register after the effective time and will not affect those already registered. For test takers trying to register after May 1, 2016, please make sure you have enough amount in your account.