

秦永甲(Mr.Qin) 北京智赢国际英语雅思*




Mr, Qin, expert in exam-oriented language training andtutoring, is also an experienced translator and interpreter in not a few fieldsin terms of style and industry. By taking advantage of his bilingual abilityand other relevant skills, Mr. Qin had once served as project manager andtranslator/interpreter for IESCO, whichhas been receiving consistentlyconsiderable support from the UN-HABITAT. During his service for the non-profitorganization, he had had wonderful talks with a few ambassadors from differentcountries. Afterwards, he worked for the organizing committee of ChinaJoy, onbehalf of which, Mr. Qin accompanied the delegates from the top ten Internetcompanies of China to paid an official and business visit to their well-knownAmerican counterparts, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Amazon included. Therich and well-rounded working experience has brought Mr. Qin a complete andconsolidated command of the English language as an ability, together with aworld-wide perspective, which benefits his students in many respects apart fromthe improvement of their language proficiency. Upholding the principles of beingacademically rigorous and pedagogicallyentertaining, Mr. Qin has long been infavor of the multi-dimensional methods of teaching and learning, which can bewell proved by his fruitful efforts that featuring the cultivation of students’ability to put what theyhave learnt into practice. 

培训世界 上海智赢国际英语体验课 免费预约