

贵阳市启航英语培训学校启航是一所专业语言培训学校,从1997年创办以来,以其专业的教学和优质的服务赢得良好的口碑。经过8年的发展与壮大,启航现已拥有200多个教学班,及5000余名在册学生。截至2002年秋,启航的7个教学点先后在云岩、二戈寨、南明、白云、乌当、小河、都拉营成立。随着2002年春遵义分校的成立,启航办学点由贵阳城郊逐渐向全省辐射。 随着办学规模的扩大,启航逐步培养起一个专业化,高素质的教师团队,并拥有一支来自英、美、加等具有丰富教学经验的外籍教师队伍。凭着强大的师资力量和一套独特完善适合低年龄*及*直至初高*生的语言学习教学体系,连续5年来,启航参加剑桥考级共夺44个满分满盾的成绩,雄居贵州考区*。因此,受到社会的广泛认可及政府的表彰,2000年与2003年两次获“贵阳市民办教育先进单位”称号,2002年被表彰为贵阳市社会力量办学明星学校。 启航在抓教学质量的同时,也狠抓教学管理,并逐渐建立了相应的管理制度及合理的教学教务分工,健全了管理机制。实践证明,完善的管理是员工素质及学校发展的一个重要保障。建校以来,启航在市消费者协会一直保持着零投诉记录,因而在于2004年被政府授予“市消费者协会指定行业形象代表”的荣誉称号。 Qihang School is a private English Training School located in downtown Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou Province in southwest China. Our school has 6 foreign teachers right now which is the biggest group of foreign teachers in Guiyang. Eight now, we have an enrollment of over 4,000 students in 178 classes with 58 Chinese teachers, 6 foreign teachers and 11 office assistants and have waiting lists to get in. We are the biggest English training school in Guiyang with foreign teachers. The foreign teachers are provided with their own apartments near the school complete with air conditioners, internet accessible computers (wide band service is being applied ) and other necessities. All of the foreign teachers teach a ready-made curriculum with the teaching program already outlined and all the supporting materials: flash cards, tapes, VCDs all ready for use and make developing the lesson plans very easy. Pay starts at 60 yuan / hour. We focus on teaching young children from 5 to 16 years old who come to leam in their spare time — this means most of our courses take place on the weekends and weekday evenings, each foreign teacher also teaches a few hours at primary schools in the daytime of weekdays — this year we started our teaching program at two local primary schools as our teaching system has already been admitted and accepted in Guiyang. Guiyang is a really nice city. If you've never seen wild monkeys, a mountain park in downtown is famous for finding them begging for food by the road! There are many scenic places nearby to visit, such as a small ancient town with old buildings and traditions, a waterfall in rural area or just an ethnic minority village. The weather is mild. Come to join us — Qihang School in Guiyang, you won't be disappointed with your teaching career here.
培训世界 贵阳市启航英语培训学校体验课 免费预约