

  实用英语旗舰、小语种领头羊   广州津桥外语培训中心是一群老广外人于1993年创办的外语专业培训机构--广州多语种、多层次、多学制的大型知名外语培训机构。由广外大等高校经验丰富的外语教学、培训专家、教授、留学归国英才及外籍教师主办、管理、授课。20年来,一直是广州外语培训界的旗手和领跑者,以*的教学品质赢得了各界的信任、支持和良好的口碑(津桥新学员中,近七成是老学员的亲友)。办学规模大、师资队伍强、培训语种多(英语、日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、阿拉伯语、韩语、俄语、越南语、对外汉语、波斯语、葡萄牙语、泰国语、印度语、荷兰语、印尼语)、培训层次和学制多样化、多校区(广州越秀、天河北、大学城),充分满足了社会各界多元化的需求。本中心在外语培训界创造了一个又一个奇迹,掀起了阵阵外语学习热潮,培训了数以万计的实用型外语人才,成为广州外语培训界的一面旗帜,被《广州日报》、《新快报》、《信息时报》、《羊城晚报》、《英文早报》、《南方都市报》》、《南方网》等媒体及中教院等部门誉为“小语种培训领头羊”、“实用英语旗舰”、荣获“广州十大实力品牌英语学校”、“社会满意学校”、“外语培训行业杰出贡献单位”、“全国外语教研示范基地”、“主流培训机构”等荣誉称号。
  津桥外语培训中心崇尚外语教育培训实效,尊重外语教育培训的科学规律,以先进的教学方式、方法、手段、设施、优秀的中、外师资、新颖实用的国内外优秀教材、资料、科学合理的分级、编班、严格的管理、周到的服务、不断开拓创新的精神(即把教学对象、教学师资、教学手段三者有机地、科学地结合在一起)取得了优良的教育教学品质,形成具有广泛影响的优质成熟品牌。越来越多的明智人士认同并接受了津桥以人为本、尊重科学、重视实效、实事求是的外语教育理念,取得了令人振奋的好成绩。把培养和提高外语听、说、读、写综合能力视为根本。很多专家和绝大多数津桥学员都说:“这才是事半功倍的、科学有效的外语培训、外语学习之道!”很多人士感叹:“学外语,还是津桥好!”      津桥伴您腾飞!
  Jinqiao Foreign Languages Training Center, a professional foreign languages training organization, was established in 1993 by a group of excellent teachers from Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages (now called Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)). It is a famous large-scale foreign language training organization with educational systems at all levels. Many excellent teachers offer classes in a variaty of  training programs, including experienced foreign language teachers from GDUFS and other institutions of higher learning, eminent training experts and professors, outstanding talents and foreign teachers.
  Over the past 20 years, it has occupied the leading position among the foreign language training circles in Guangzhou. With the first-class teaching quality, it has gained trust, support and fame from various circles.
  As a large-scale training center, it has an excellent teaching faculty, provides a diversified educational system, and covers a variety of training languages, such as English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese,Indonesian and Dutch. With all the above advantages, it can fully satisfy the needs of all walks of life.
  It has created many wonders among the foreign languages training circles. Training thousands of practical foreign language talents and setting up a new upsurge of foreign languages learning. Jinqiao has always been in the lead of foreign languages training in Guangzhou. Owing to its outstanding achievements, it has been extolled by such mass media as Guangzhou Daily, New Express Daily, Information Times, Yangcheng Evening News ,Guangzhou Morning Post and some other departments, such as Education Institute of China, as “the bellwether of minor languages training”, and has earned some titles of honor, such as,  “Mainstream Training Organization”, “Top Ten English Training Brand School”, “School with Social Acknowledgement”, “Prominent Unit in the Foreign Language Training Industry”, and “National Model Center of Foreign Language Teaching and Research.
培训世界 广州津桥教育体验课 免费预约

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