杭州韦博培训学校,作为语言培训的专业机构,为学习者提供了两个语言学习必然成功的 决定性因素:正确先进的学习方法和真实逼真的英语母语环境。 “多元学习法”更是以国际先进的教学法为基础,结合研究传统教学的弊端,分析*学生的现状,以及紧扣成人学员的学习目 的,以应用型学习为导向的独家学习方法。同时,我们创造了一个如同置身海外、受所有学习英语成功者推崇的—真实的英语母语 环境: 全部由外籍教师授课,结合先进的多媒体教育技术,并组织英语沙龙和丰富多彩的课外活动,欣赏原版英语影片。
Web International Hangzhou
Web International Hangzhou has four locations around the city. We here at Web Hangzhou pride ourselves in providing professional English education to our students. This, of course, doesn't mean we are a stuffy bunch. Many of our students are professionals themselves, so after a long day at the office, they need a way to unwind while learning at the same time. Our team of educators works together to make sure our students get the most out of their time with us, whether it's in the classroom or at our monthly extra curricular activities.Here's what some of them have to say: